
Solano Sun

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Solano County rise or fall in 2021?

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Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Solano County received $8.3 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 225 farmers in cities within Solano County received a total of $6 million in 363 farm subsidies, a 58.3% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $14.3 million in 601 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Solano County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Warren's Turf Group, Inc.$0$500,000--
Salad Cosmo USA, Corp.$262,151$487,84986.1%
Larry M. Balestra$0$479,196--
Hd Ranch$771,586$326,724-57.7%
Robben Cattle Company, LLC$261,224$324,52924.2%
Schene Enterprises, Inc.$593,586$287,934-51.5%
Rotteveel Orchards, LLC$90,059$250,000177.6%
Hamilton Brothers$277,076$194,972-29.6%
Detar Livestock, Inc.$1,348,222$193,926-85.6%
Casbar Farms$0$172,784--
Atkinson Farms II, Inc.$541,129$144,621-73.3%
R Emigh Livestock$615,945$135,932-77.9%
Babcock Vineyard, Inc.$0$105,754--
Mark Esperson$55,921$104,01486%
Reveille Farms$153,126$90,711-40.8%
E & H Farms$718,789$88,242-87.7%
William Everett$20,249$78,515287.7%
Mortimore L. Triplett$48,445$75,19055.2%
Martin Emigh$181,880$66,681-63.3%
Willow Ranch Properties$0$61,987--
Hearn Livestock General Partnership$98,381$59,643-39.4%
D3 Enterprises, LLC$120,533$57,368-52.4%
Matthew B. Jones Jr.$8,948$56,818535%
Gli-Company Farms$39,128$56,02143.2%
Tolenas Springs Cattle Company$30,157$55,87785.3%
Page Baldwin Livestock$56,918$53,279-6.4%
Elizabeth R. Robben$265,508$51,841-80.5%
Gene Robben$265,508$51,831-80.5%
Rod McGrew$37,048$50,33335.9%
Myron Cabral$146,126$47,085-67.8%
Davey Farms, Inc.$0$46,319--
Erik Alan Freese$181,557$44,258-75.6%
Ahart Livestock, Inc.$251,760$42,490-83.1%
Balestra & Balestra$0$41,608--
Tam Tran$0$40,239--
R & a Atwal Farms, LLC$42,057$37,779-10.2%
Michael Hendrix$0$36,659--
Atkinson Angus, Inc.$17,765$35,15897.9%
D & R Livestock$848,431$34,692-95.9%
Nathanael James Graham Miller$0$34,209--
S & S Farming Company$31,843$33,6745.8%
Ross Rasmussen$147,452$32,590-77.9%
Candido Rodriguez$10,906$30,149176.4%
Michael J. Barrett$0$29,432--
Sam S. Shin$31,861$25,398-20.3%
Michael Brett Glide$17,043$24,37443%
J F & R W Dittmer$38,439$24,175-37.1%
Gary L. Jensen$20,579$20,7831%
New Easy Rider Sportsfishing$0$20,276--
Emigh Land LP$0$19,282--
Thomas F. Monk Sr.$77,722$19,173-75.3%
James C. Campbell$37,766$18,239-51.7%
Robert Robben$103,324$16,468-84.1%
Gary Esperson$16,331$16,135-1.2%
Kimberly Esperson$16,331$16,135-1.2%
B. B. Ranch$18,984$16,050-15.5%
Jeb Farms, LLC$90,139$14,413-84%
Clay D. Ford$0$14,249--
Mangels Ranch Jv$31,199$13,347-57.2%
Kristin Meyer Revocable Trust Dated 03/11/2005 Kristin Meyer$0$13,012--
Green Valley Cattle Company$37,301$12,272-67.1%
Pitto Family Trust$36,206$12,162-66.4%
Dosanjh Brothers$22,908$11,655-49.1%
Larry J Bledsoe Revocable Trust$11,346$11,3460%
Edward and Jeri Seifert$0$11,210--
Justin Richard Jones$15,509$10,069-35.1%
Colleen K. Schneider$9,686$9,356-3.4%
James F. Schneider$13,233$9,356-29.3%
Syan Bagh, LLC$0$9,244--
Ren Orchards, LLC$67,984$8,867-87%
Maurice A. Geerdes$8,784$8,7840%
Florence T Edwards Living Trustee$3,966$8,745120.5%
Geronimo Properties, LLC$0$8,192--
Wes Stewart$35,451$8,057-77.3%
Douglas W. Tingey$27,636$7,347-73.4%
Lawen Family Farm, LLC$14,872$7,246-51.3%
Hutson Brazelton$4,180$6,78262.2%
Cooley Enterprises, Inc.$52,901$6,414-87.9%
Greg Ahart$0$6,399--
Helm Family Trust$10,286$6,197-39.8%
T Ray Farms, Inc.$82,257$6,065-92.6%
Toni R. Geis$6,627$5,881-11.3%
Henry J. Favier Jr.$7,986$5,643-29.3%
Ryan Wemple$5,885$5,533-6%
John Cronin$12,892$5,531-57.1%
Cecilia Aguilar-Rodriguez$4,253$5,49429.2%
Tommy Allen Green$11,277$5,139-54.4%
R Grand Cattle, LLC$16,368$4,998-69.5%
Glennair Ranch, LLC$10,987$4,897-55.4%
John M. White$4,845$4,8450%
Anthony Eason$4,770$4,7700%
Mike Viratos$7,715$4,735-38.6%
Leon W Robben Survivors Trust$10,150$4,625-54.4%
Bennett D. Lyons$800$4,615476.9%
Mohan Johal$0$4,440--
Patrick S Carpenter and Keitha E Hunter 2008 Trust$0$4,432--
Raymond L. And Leanora M. Reis Irrevocable Family Trust$0$4,424--
Willow Ranch, LLC$47,372$4,056-91.4%
Mike Hagan$7,988$3,907-51.1%
Shirley Staib$6,417$3,692-42.5%
Kevin Simonis$2,940$3,58121.8%
Bledsoe Family Trust$3,453$3,4530%
Brook Rosenberger$5,115$3,403-33.5%
Michael Rosenberger$5,115$3,403-33.5%
Pasadena 846$3,392$3,3920%
John Bello$0$3,300--
Ronald D. Fike Jr.$1,826$3,27879.5%
Cattey Ranch, LLC$6,280$3,196-49.1%
Jane Benedict Greene Heirs Farm$3,207$2,953-7.9%
Jack Horn$2,911$2,9110%
The Walker Family Trust-Gerald L Walker$0$2,854--
Neftali C. Rivera$6,189$2,841-54.1%
Herman Schroeder$0$2,737--
Dan Hagan$5,581$2,730-51.1%
Denise Morris$12,452$2,686-78.4%
Robert Peterson$12,737$2,646-79.2%
Joseph Shields$0$2,592--
Matthew C. Rosenberger$0$2,591--
Gayenell Phelan$0$2,487--
David Morris$12,199$2,452-79.9%
Circle R. Ranch$820$2,414194.4%
Barbara Cox$11,039$2,310-79.1%
David Frye$11,141$2,310-79.3%
Garrett Rasmussen$9,086$2,241-75.3%
Russell Raymond Gomez$0$2,231--
James R. Heise$345$2,204538.8%
Currey Farming Joint Venture$5,006$2,200-56.1%
James R. Baumann$3,159$2,191-30.6%
Bulkley Ranch$7,132$2,134-70.1%
Richard Silva$11,052$2,110-80.9%
Lindsay Kelly$0$2,096--
William C. Petersen$8,384$2,078-75.2%
William H. Jones Jr.$4,476$2,040-54.4%
Sandra K. Bailey$1,942$1,9420%
Dee H Dermake$5,511$1,936-64.9%
Ralph Barber Trust$5,695$1,858-67.4%
John Robert Harris$1,100$1,83366.6%
Joseph Gates$4,565$1,741-61.9%
Neena J Davis Irrevocable Trust$5,941$1,680-71.7%
Kerry Borges$1,256$1,67433.3%
Carol Chastain Trust UTD 03/27/2007$0$1,605--
Nancy M. Carston$72$1,5492,051.4%
Thomas J. Gigliotti$5,103$1,501-70.6%
MC Cormack Sheep & Grain$66,037$1,496-97.7%
Wacey Kornemann$0$1,468--
James& Priscilla Minkel 2008 Trust$3,235$1,460-54.9%
Coradavee Welch$1,891$1,433-24.2%
Arthur J. W. Weir$2,273$1,406-38.1%
Lucky Ten Ranch$10,858$1,287-88.1%
Joetta Griffin$8,139$1,270-84.4%
John Pierson$3,886$1,266-67.4%
Susan Pierson$3,886$1,266-67.4%
Michael Triplett$0$1,207--
Mary E. Sostarich$1,671$1,140-31.8%
Kjschmitt Family Holdings, Inc.$0$1,124--
Robert Chadbourne$5,905$1,106-81.3%
Edward L. Fry$0$1,093--
Carol Britt$0$1,048--
Marian S Eaton Trust$0$1,048--
John Snelgrove$52,618$994-98.1%
Carl C Backe and Peggy J Backe Revocable Trust$0$969--
Marjorie H Gore Trust$460$929102%
Stephen J. Jones$1,121$908-19%
Carol T. Stevens$0$892--
Harley & Geneva Davis Trustee$1,470$881-40.1%
Manuel Gamio$86,116$835-99%
Austin Wedemeyer$0$806--
Bradley L. Ritch$2,572$781-69.6%
Kimbel R. Ritch$2,572$781-69.6%
Wynnewood a Ritch$2,572$781-69.6%
Patricia J. Willett$1,896$771-59.3%
Deanna S. Myhre$2,566$768-70.1%
Everett & Elinor Marshall Trust$2,690$722-73.2%
Susan Timm 1999 Revocable Trust$3,056$707-76.9%
Stanley Stolte$772$702-9.1%
Craig Gnos$76,764$680-99.1%
Bradley W. Boroff$1,109$678-38.9%
Michiko Bailey Thorne$653$6530%
Bradley A. Geis$2,387$621-74%
Ryan A. Geis$2,387$621-74%
Ralph Beahler$939$604-35.7%
Roberta E. Funnell$1,218$600-50.7%
Katharine Collins - Collins Family Trust$1,137$551-51.5%
Donald W. Mauck$1,233$542-56%
Bradley Geis$0$523--
Ryan Geis$0$523--
Patricia Fry$0$516--
George W. Anderson$2,647$511-80.7%
David Horigan$0$509--
Sara P. Nick$493$4930%
Sydney R & Diane S Schroeder Rev Trustee$15,433$490-96.8%
Daniel Sullivan$321$42833.3%
Donald & Lois Evans Rev Trust Evans$866$409-52.8%
Eugene P. Roemhildt$349$40516%
Peggy Shipp$1,601$395-75.3%
Mary A. Snipes$1,385$382-72.4%
Harvey Fry$0$377--
Kristina Marie Armstrong$0$368--
Jane M. Bogner$0$350--
Donald Redmond$231$34750.2%
Wayne W Fick Rev Trustee$2,402$323-86.6%
Marsha L. Slack$1,179$320-72.9%
Barbara Comfort$0$283--
Margaret A. Schmidt$584$273-53.3%
Katharine Kuntz$425$261-38.6%
Loretta Bradley$425$261-38.6%
Karen Caraway$618$235-62%
Gene L Gasteiger$232$2320%
Barbara Duval Jewell$647$221-65.8%
Robert Lee Reed$454$209-54%
Lyle & Barbara Smith Trust$0$207--
Cecilia Stoddard-Diethelm$864$192-77.8%
Handley Fam Tr$66$190187.9%
Michael P Glide$0$181--
Karen S. Heit$521$175-66.4%
Pat - Negroni Trust U/A DTD March 10 201 a Negroni JR$1,050$113-89.2%
Jon a Berginnis$132$108-18.2%
Joe T Hernandez Family Trust$228$104-54.4%
Gloria S. Bone$188$96-48.9%
Edward and Lorelyn Hechtman Fam Trustee$12,946$91-99.3%
Reveille Farms LP$477,677$78-100%
Hamilton-Hechtman Joint Venture$11,662$57-99.5%
Seltmann Land, LLC$16,697$11-99.9%
Shirley Albertson$18$10-44.4%
Northen Family Trust$53$4-92.5%
Aaron D. Boone$186,567$0-100%
Gold Coast, LLC$13,293$0-100%
Manveen Sekhon MBBS, Inc.$6,376$0-100%
Michael Johnson$536$0-100%
Mike Scheimer$1,495$0-100%
Pistachio Giants, LLC$6,590$0-100%
8077 Hyde Road Agriculture Operations, LLC$54,976$0-100%
Alex Yandel$5,238$0-100%
Andrew and Carol Marcelli Revocable Living Trust - Andrew J$556$0-100%
Brian A. Barr$149$0-100%
Carmen Raycraft$27,270$0-100%
Dennis R. Murphy$39,038$0-100%
Dolores D Ramos Trustee DTD Nov 8 1994$70,709$0-100%
Dustin Robben$19,370$0-100%
Edward K. Schroeder Jr.$13,954$0-100%
Garcia 2012 Family Trust$16,846$0-100%
Gill Properties$61,348$0-100%
James R. Egan$5,110$0-100%
Jan-Erik D Paino$14,053$0-100%
Jim Ramos$38,402$0-100%
Juneco, LLC$61,387$0-100%
Justin Morris$101$0-100%
Lowrie Farm Company, LLC$207,011$0-100%
Maren Murphy$357$0-100%
Marosario Oropeza$1,306$0-100%
Michael J. Kett$8,754$0-100%
Mission Livestock Management$18,766$0-100%
Patrick S Carpenter and Keitha E$3,559$0-100%
PB Farming$76,046$0-100%
Richard Garcia$19,834$0-100%
Robben Orchard Company, LLC$248,383$0-100%
Robert McGrew$41,957$0-100%
Ronald - Timothy Family Rev Trustee Timothy$31,497$0-100%
Steven Mark Nordahl$1,173$0-100%
Suneel Sharma$141,569$0-100%
Susan Motley$239$0-100%
Tim Robben$58,646$0-100%
Ulysses Mendoza$509,272$0-100%
Wenceslao Oropeza$1,306$0-100%
William Motley$1,846$0-100%
William Raycraft$27,270$0-100%
Charlene L Fissolo$163$0-100%
Dasari Revocable Family Trust U/T/D 10/21/01$140,708$0-100%
Gary Mangels$12,105$0-100%
David J. Stevens$398$0-100%
Janet W. Ziser$672$0-100%
Linda Tenbrink$104,649$0-100%
M German & Son Partnership$261,782$0-100%
Maria Theresa del Castillo$2,029$0-100%
Nancy J Koos Trust$1,472$0-100%
Narinder Judge$4,016$0-100%
Ron Nicoli$660$0-100%
Ronald Acquistapace$169$0-100%
Ronald Fissolo$977$0-100%
S and M Dhillon Trust$12,835$0-100%
Saturnino del Castillo$2,029$0-100%
Stephen Tenbrink$14,479$0-100%
Steve R. Ziser$672$0-100%
Swaran S Sidhu$211,093$0-100%
Weiser Ranches, LLC$8,206$0-100%
Wilkinson Acres, LLC$3,273$0-100%
Jeanne McCormack$44,314$0-100%
Lone Crow Cattle Company, LLC$20,609$0-100%
Mahoney 2005 Family Trust$11,534$0-100%
N. B. D. Hamilton$892$0-100%
Bouzos Orchards, Inc.$24,768$0-100%
Charles Rogers Family Trust$37,157$0-100%
Dan Lynde$521$0-100%
Daniel Kistle$5,690$0-100%
Dennis Suhre$30$0-100%
Elizabeth D Shea Trust$2,569$0-100%
Gerald E. Swank$6,610$0-100%
Jean - Jean Brazelton Rev Trustee L Brazelton$23,889$0-100%
Jeffrey-Campbell Family Trust$1,819$0-100%
Jerome Bisek$137$0-100%
Judy Vaughn$30$0-100%
Justen Cole$999$0-100%
Leslie Kimball Warner III$182$0-100%
Parmajeet K Nagra$6,314$0-100%
Patricia Nelson$784$0-100%
Robin Pratt Lynde$545$0-100%
Sharon Clare Bishop$1,373$0-100%
Sukhbir S Nagra$264,137$0-100%
Yah-Whooo Organic Garden$162,701$0-100%
Gary Farms$34,013$0-100%
Gurpreet Singh$1,346$0-100%
KG Farming, LLC$37,648$0-100%
Marlo & Zelma Krehbiel GST Fam Trust$1,768$0-100%
Paul Lee Jenkins$1,908$0-100%
Total subsidies$14,273,504$5,953,364-58.3%



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