The Bay Area Public Pool Operators Association (BAPPOA) awarded Cal Maritime's Tina Rossi with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her dedication and accomplishments in the aquatics field.
Dogs are very good listeners for kids looking to practice their reading skills. Watch your kids' confidence grow as they read their favorite book to an attentive, furry face through video conferencing!
For residents that need to start new water service or stop service, or need information on an account, call the Fairfield Municipal Utilities line at (707) 428-7346.
The City of Fairfield announced that due to the spike in COVID-19 cases in Solano County and across the state, it will close all City offices and facilities, effective November 23, 2020, until further notice.
In late August Professor Jenny Murphy found herself doing a task students in her marine biology lab usually take on. She built and deployed six “settling plates,” attached them to a rope, and suspended them from the floating dock next to The Cub.
Cal Maritime's Ethan Ho '22 (MT) represented the crew team at the Head of the Hooch regatta Saturday and put together an outstanding race, finishing 1st among club teams and 4th overall, in the men's single, which combined four different categories (Club, Under 15, Under 17, and Under 19).
To get tested, contact your healthcare provider. You can also register for free testing at community testing sites even if you do not have symptoms or do not have health insurance.
A Conversation Between Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Representing California's 14th District, and Shelley Berkley, former Congresswoman and CEO & Senior Provost of Touro Western Division.
The Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board meetings are Public Meetings and are held on the second Wednesday of the month, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm unless otherwise noted.